Sansevieria Species
Sansevierias are some of the most durable, low-maintenance houseplants around. These plants come in a number of varieties and cultivars that make them special to look at.
Where should I keep my snake plant in my house?
The best-known sansevieria is probably Dracaena trifasciata (Sansevieria ehrenbergii). Also known as snake plant or mother-in-law’s tongue, it comes from tropical West Africa and is erect with densely arranged sword-like leaves that grow up to 3 feet long. Its dark green leaves are topped with light-grayish-green cross-banded markings and may have yellow or red tinting along the edges.
There are a number of other sansevieria species that grow in the wild and can be found in greenhouses and gardens. These include the Hahnii, Bantel’s Sensation, and Black Moon. These are similar to the Laurentii, but the gold trim of the Black Moon gives it a more dramatic contrast in colors. The Black Moon also keeps a little more of the classic dark green than some other Trifasciata varieties do.
Another notable variety is the Bird’s Nest Sansevieria (Dracaena trifasciata cv. Hahnii). Like the Laurentii, it has a gold to cream trim that shows up well in bright light. The leaf color is typically rich dark green but can also be medium dark or almost black, depending on the lighting. The Hahnii was named for Sylvan Frank Hahn, a Louisiana nurseryman who introduced it in 1939.
There are also a number of ‘twist’ Sansevierias. ‘Golden Flame’, for example, has leaves that are vertically striped with yellow-green. Young leaves are entirely yellow and then turn green as they mature. Like all snake plant varieties, it needs to be kept in a shaded area and is drought-tolerant. Water it only when its soil is completely dry, and avoid overwatering as this can rot the roots.