Childcare Radon Testing
Daycare radon testing centres to conduct radon testing in order to protect children’s health and wellbeing. Children’s developing lungs make them vulnerable to pollutants such as radon, and exposure to high levels can result in acute lymphoblastic leukemia. To make sure that child care centres are free from radon, it is important to contact local health authorities and request radon testing.
What you should know about Radon mitigation?
Childcare radon testing should be done by certified professionals. In order to comply with the government’s guidelines, the concentration of radon in child care centers should be less than 4 picocuries per liter of air. Testing should be performed on a regular basis, and after major renovations or construction.
While radon exposure is a risk factor in many environments, some studies have found elevated levels of radon in child care facilities. In fact, the public has a right to expect child care centers to be as safe as possible. It is therefore important to ensure that radon levels are below the guideline in all early learning settings.
The Child Care Act of 1969 requires child care centers to conduct radon testing. Radon is a naturally occurring gas that comes from the breakdown of uranium in soil. When it enters the air, it gets trapped in small cracks and joints in buildings. If it accumulates, it can lead to lung cancer. Children are particularly vulnerable to radon exposure.